No, Romantic Relationships in High School are not Worth It.

By Ben Jacobson (III), Contributing Writer

Although high school relationships can be fun, they are simply not worth the time and effort. Romantic relationships in high school rarely last and distract teens from their priorities — possibly even their futures. The relationships depicted in the media are not applicable to real-world relationships, which pose many more challenges.

Realistically, most high school relationships are not going to last forever. Since they rarely do, it’s unnecessary to commit one’s full attention to a romantic relationship. Some may reason that even if relationships fail, they are valuable because one can learn and grow from the experience. Most of these relationships, however, are not that deep anyway. Anything that someone is going to learn from their high school relationships is likely not worth knowing. It is quite probable that students’ classes are more important than their relationships.

It is vital for students to stay focused in order to succeed. Students have a lot to do between grades, extracurriculars, sports and getting enough sleep. In high school, teenagers are prone to hyper-fixating on temporary matters – such as relationships — and losing sight of what’s truly important.

Cal Hale (III) explains, “Swimming and school are my women. Relationships are temporary, […] do math. I get into relationships when I am off my grind, and I am always on that grind.” Hale prefers to allocate his time to academics and extracurriculars instead of pursuing a romantic relationship. Students should prioritize activities that will have a greater impact on their lives in the future rather than temporary distractions.

 Relationships are also often the root of petty drama and nasty rumors, as they are intertwined with popularity. Especially during adolescence, when it is easy to exaggerate drama, relationships just add a new burden of stress for students. As Boston Latin School English teacher Mx. Dana Amico explains, “It can feel like a lot of pressure to have to date or you will feel like a loser.” Under these societal pressures, students tend to seek out relationships based on public images and a desire for validation rather than a genuine connection.

Furthermore, breakups among high school students are usually immature and have the potential to ruin friend groups. Since social circles are relatively limited in high school, students end up dating within the same ones. Given the size of BLS, you risk awkward experiences in the hallways, or worse, classes — imagine you and your ex are assigned lab partners in chemistry class.

Ultimately, although relationships can provide for fun experiences and validation, as well as boost one’s social reputation, they distract from what should be one’s true priorities. 

As Ibrahim Dagher (III) jokes, “I would not be half the Rocket League Mobile Player today if I was preoccupied with [relationships].” 

In high school, when time is of the essence, remember that you only live once, so spend your time on things that actually matter.