Senior Spotlight on Ai-Kee Cheung

Ai-Kee isn’t the problematic main character, she’s the wise mentor loved by the entire audience. An iconic character, if you will. Whenever you feel down or anxious about absolutely anything, she is always there to listen to your rant and pull you back into reality. If dictionaries had pictures, the word supportive would have Ai-Kee’s face next to it. If you ever have the luck of becoming her friend, be prepared to be blessed by the compliments that she is always so generous with. It just makes your day! The power of words truly shines when Ai-Kee is talking since she’s one of the kindest human beings that have ever walked the earth.
We’ve known Ai-Kee ever since sixie year in Algebra, but it has seemed like so much longer than that. Who knows how many walks we’ve had from the school lobby to Ruggles station, and it is all thanks to her good habits of timeliness that we’ve only missed the train those few times. She carried us from the Biorhythms project in eighth grade — and trust me, learning how to use sine and cosine graphs when we had zero idea what trigonometry was is not an easy task — to all the dreaded analysis assignments in AP Literature. She put up with our never-ending nagging and tangents about the next Chinese yo-yo performance that always ended with a “Yeah, of course I’ll come!” from her end. It proves that even as a wise old sage, Ai-Kee still always puts in 110 percent for everything, and that is another trait we absolutely adore. Even under house arrest for almost all of quarantine, she managed to not only stay upbeat but also record videos for our yo-yo videos from home, making sure each one was perfect. A friend like Ai-Kee is a pengyou you know you can always count on.
We aren’t exaggerating when we tell you that Ai-Kee is one of the best people you’ll ever meet. She may have been dubbed “wise old sage” because she is the most ancient of our bunch, but she truly has lived up to her esteemed title. Who else will randomly drop words of wisdom while simply radiating positive energy in the form of quirky pineapple jokes? If anything, her one flaw is her excessive humility. Despite all the compliments she gives out, she’ll always deflect the ones given to her (you popped off during that math problem set, accept it), but it’s just another characteristic we love about her and what makes Ai-Kee, Ai-Kee.
Ai-Kee’s caring personality has guided us throughout our years of Boston Latin School, and it couldn’t have been the same without her. Ai-Kee, we know you’ll continue to make a difference in so many other people’s lives as you go to college and then enter society. We love you, Ai-Kee—thank you for high school, and we hope you’ll continue to spoil us, great sage, when we seek your guidance again in our future college misfortunes!