Argo Farewells

Nadine Han


Hello! Before you read this, please take a look at the Argo website if you haven’t already — all of our issues since this October are on 🙂 Okay, now onto the message!

You may have heard of me through other senior farewells in past years, first as a News Editor and later as the Editor-in-Chief hounding editors to submit their farewells before I unceremoniously cut them from the paper. I have simmered down since then, fortunately, from a fiery enforcer to something akin to a tired but proud parent of many clubs.

It’s been a long ride, from trying to adapt to online learning to trying not to sleep through entire classes, I applaud all the members of the Boston Latin School community for their efforts. Class of 2021, we went from having a “dark cloud” looming over us to being an icon of change for the school. Be proud! Sixie Earth Science taught me that cumulonimbi only rain for like 20 minutes anyway, unless they turn into supercells… but hey, at least we’d be pretty super! Haha, I hope the Copy editors don’t cut this part.

I know this is an Argo farewell, so I will try to keep it as such, but I would still like to thank the Speech and Debate Team, Science Team, Dance Club and Origami Club members for making my BLS experience so wonderful. I’d also like to honor Keith West, the former Speech and Debate coach, for all of the work that he’s done and the people that he’s helped in his lifetime. The team is in good hands next year. I hope you rest in peace.

And now, here are the farewells:

To Julie, my fellow Editor-in-Chief: Thank you for having my back, for laughing at my jokes and for keeping me sane. You’re so brilliant that I can’t help but ad- mire you. Hopefully, you’re not too eager to escape me, because I look forward to keeping in touch!

To the rest of the graduating Argo seniors: y’all were wonderful! The Argo wouldn’t have been possible without John, Emily, Esther, Jasmine, Anna, Aileen, Cindy, Andre, both Ashleys, both Alices and both Erics. It is because of y’all that I can confidently say that my greatest strength as Editor-in-Chief was already knowing everyone because I could fill out the editor profiles on the website without getting horribly confused.

To Aidan and Elizabeth: It’s going to be hard to leave, but I can say with confidence that I fully trust you both to lead the Argo. Your dedication and abilities impress me, and I sincerely hope that all of your dreams for the vision of our (and now your) paper will come true.

To Joanna: I hope you enjoy your new, hard-earned life as a News editor! To Jack and the other other Alice: Thank you for your hard work this year in keeping Forum such a strong section. To Irene and Ellis: You were stellar assistant A&E editors, and will be amazing head editors. To Shane and Fiona: Being promoted mid-year isn’t easy — I’m proud of you for taking on the challenge and know that you can be trusted to lead your sections next year. To Regina and Karen: Photo will forever be iconic! You had a rough year but pulled through regardless, and I’m proud. To Selina, Emma and Theresa: Thank you for your endless patience with us. I’ll look forward to your work on the in-print issues!

Goodbye, Argo. Goodbye, BLS. It’s true that we’ll go our separate ways, but I know that we all still have much more to accomplish in our lifetimes. 🙂 Until we meet again!

Love, Nadine

Julianna Zhao


My dear Argonauts,

It has been a crazy six years that I spent with you all. How should I even begin to say goodbye?

We missed out on a lot this year (RIP my Insomnia cookies). From hurrying to finish the PDF before 10:00 P.M. on Final Fridays, getting everything ready for distribution at six in the morning, sorting dozens of buckets of wet carnations and finally to guarding stacks of 60-page newspapers against eager parents at Graduation — these were experiences that I thought I would never want to relive but that I now want to demand back from the two nasty years of 2020 and 2021. Don’t get me wrong — I am not a fan of work, but it saddens me immensely that I went through my last round of each of these without knowing that it would be my last.

Despite these lost memories, however, I must say I have had quite a blast with the 2020-2021 Argo Board in our time together, and that is because it was made up with the best of people.

John, Emily, Aidan and Esther, the News section has done such a spectacular job of keeping up with the most recent events and manning the face of the paper. Don’t worry! We haven’t forgotten the boba we owe you for your hard work. Forum will always have a special spot in my heart as the place where it all started, my forever home in the Argo. Jasmine, Jack and the two Forum Alices are always either getting excited over a new spicy article idea or feverishly editing away and perfecting the turned-in pieces (while giggling over their legendary group chat). Then there’s our favorite A&E! Anna, Elizabeth, Ellis and Irene, the four of you have continued to make Arts & Entertainment a warm place of passion and appreciation, both in its writing and in the interaction of its editors and writers. To the Ashleys, Eric and Shane, I can’t help but applaud you for your never-faltering dedication and positivity in a year during which writing about sports has been understandably difficult. Y’all are nothing less than amazing.

Onto our lovely production editors! Copy wouldn’t be the same without the cheeriness and quirky sense of humor that Alice, Cindy, Joanna and Fiona have brought to every corner of the section, so thank you for making Copy the absolute “funnest” (hehe) team to be on. Next, Layout! Special thanks goes to Eric for answering my calls of “Layout!” for two years and dealing with the bizarre new ideas I would come up for him to execute. Selina, Emma and Theresa, I have no doubt you will bring the Argo aesthetics to new heights next year once you are back in the zone in Lab 016. Last but definitely not least, there is our Photo trio, made up of Regina, Karen and Andre. It’s a pity you weren’t able to go around the school to capture images yourself for the paper this year, but I absolutely can’t wait to see the photographs you’ll bring us once you get your hands back on those locked-up cameras.

And finally, to Nadine, my unbelievably brilliant, funny and tall co-Editor-in-Chief, I don’t know how I could have possibly managed to make it to this point without you. We survived a lot together over this last year — a few all-nighters during the college app days, AP Chem and AP Lit, your reckless testing of various expired hot sauces while I feared for your life, and, of course, the Argo catastrophes that seem to always pop up the last minute before publication. Yet, no matter how dire the situation, you were always the first to jump up, ready to face it head-on. We never got to exploit our supreme power in the spinny chairs of Lab 016, but the two of us did set the Argo record as the EiCs with the biggest height difference (albeit only temporarily) and left behind our legacy of a baby website that is sure to develop further in the coming years.

The Argo would not be able to run smoothly if it weren’t for the awesome, inspiring drive of all its editors and contributors, and, of course, none of it is possible without Ms. Moon, the best faculty advisor we could ever hope for to guide us in such crazy unprecedented times.

No words can express how grateful I am for all the ways this club has shaped me, from a sixie way too excited over a published Forum article to who I am today. Thank you for introducing me to the concept of journalism and making me appreciate my daily news articles so much more. Thank you for watching me grow up over the last six years. Thank you for bringing me to the greatest of mentors and the best of friends.

Aidan and Elizabeth, the wheel of this ship is in your hands.

Thank you, Argo, and farewell. I will remember you all. And when I come to visit next year, I hope you will save a cookie for me. 🙂


John Lin

News Editor

On my first day at BLS as a clueless sixie shadow, I came across a strange newspaper with gothic letters adjacent to the now-obsolete pixelated wolf logo — headlined with “Chang Brings Change.” Little did I know that one day, I would be making those same corny alliterative headlines at the front of that beast of a publication, known as the Argo.

When I first joined the Argo all those years ago, the thought of writing ledes, interviewing faculty and writing an entire article terrified my sixie self, and so, I sought refuge in the Copy section, whose legendary Bible and ardent hatred for the Oxford comma welcomed me with open arms. For the next two years, smol bean John locked himself in Room 016 every issue, churning away at articles fueled solely by Insomnia cookies and boba. As much as I enjoyed moving “however”s and deleting commas, I fell in love with News and the chaotic structure that came with interviewing so many incredible people and putting it all together into a story.

Just as any writing section is defined by its stories and articles, my Argo experience was defined by the myriad of stories and the community of people featured in them. Whether it was running around the school with Lienna way after hours on Final Fridays (way too hyper from pizza and Pepsi) or carrying 90 newspapers on my ink-stained fingers up and down an endless flight of stairs on Distribution Mondays, I loved every second of my time aboard. Through laughter and loss, the Argo has always been there, and I will be forever grateful for this incredible group of people bonded by our collective trauma in finishing this newspaper on the deadline, our love for boba and the chaotic energy of Production Week.

To Nadine and Julie, huge props to you both for steering the Argo in one of the most turbulent years for journalism. To Emily, my Newsie head editor sidekick, thank you for putting up with me for the past two years in News. To Esther, I have never had an emoji collection that describes my emotions more accurately than your rabbit ones. To smol bean Aidan, it was an honor to see your glow-up from staff writer to EiC; I know you and Elizabeth are going to do amazing things next year. (Oh, and here’s a random video of Aidan bopping:

To my new Head Newsies, Joanna and Katie, I have never been more confident in passing down the Newsie mantle than to you two talented icons. To Kevin and Alanna, I loved seeing you grow as writers and cannot wait to see all the things you will do next year.

Peace out, Argo! Happy sailing!

Emily Sun

News Editor

I guess this is it. This is “farewell.” After having spent a third of my life at Boston Latin School and 5/6 of a third (yes even after Math Seminar, fractions are hard) of my life with the Argo, I will finally be moving on.

It’s a little weird to think that I won’t be waking up at 6:00 A.M. for class and then staying till late into the evening during production weeks. Part of me is ecstatic — I will definitely be choosing afternoon classes in college — but I also know that the experience of living in the basement computer labs for a week every few months was one many in the Argo shared. It is that dedication to writing and journalism that truly reveals how hardworking and amazing our little newspaper crew is, and it is also this community of people that pushed me to continue persevering through the toughest of times.

First, I would really like to thank Ms. Moon for staying late with us and keeping us fed. Late nights were always better with pizza or cookies. To our retired Editor-in-Chiefs, Nadine and Julianna: I truly appreciate how much effort you put into making everything run smoothly despite the unfavorable circumstances. I love our news blog and hope that the Argo will continue to utilize it well for years to come. Thank you for always listening to the input of each section and trying your best to help us all out — you two are awesome leaders.

Finally come the goodbyes to my beloved News section. John, thank you for always making me laugh — your leadership and experience was extremely valuable in holding down the News fort. To Esther, my fellow procrastinator-in-crime, your gentle dis- position and positivity were essential to not scaring away our new writers. Now, to our new EiC Aidan (but forever smol bean to me), thank you for all your diligence toward the News section. I’m super proud of all you have accomplished and I think the Argo has been left in very capable and trustworthy hands (the capable and trustworthy part mostly applies to Elizabeth). I think the first activity the new board should do is watch your dance video together <3. Finally, I would like to thank all the other sections for such a great year. I especially appreciate the Copy and Layout sections for dealing with all the late articles and edits.

Many seniors add a few pieces of wise and helpful advice to their farewells. I can neither guarantee that my advice is wise nor helpful, but in the worst-case scenario, it will be bad advice y’all can just ignore. I want us to picture going back to 2011, where everyone said “YOLO.” Yes, I am cringing too, but some of the best and bravest decisions I have ever made were when I just threw caution to the wind and decided to go for it. Whoever is reading this: this is the world giving you that sign to take a chance on your wonderful work opportunity, relationship, experience or whatever it is. GO DO IT.

XOXO, Emily

Esther Shen

Assistant News Editor

To my dearest Argo:

As my days at Boston Latin School dwindle into mere memories, it has finally begun to sink in that it’s really all over. Six years of toil, but also six of the most incredible years of my life. As sixies, we all looked forward to the last day of senior year, when we would break free from the chains of high school. Years later, however, I realize that those were not chains at all. Now I sit by the desk I’ve been stuck at all year, trying frantically to put words to my experiences yet coming up empty-handed. As I stare at the in- coherent words on my screen, everything is a blur, and not just because of the tears brimming in my eyes. The sad piano music I have on really isn’t helping.

Just as a story is nothing without its supporting characters, I could not have made it this far without the people and opportunities I’ve had the pleasure to encounter. So to all those amazing people, this is my thank you.

Nadine and Julie, you two fiercely steered the helm of our ship, guiding us through the menacing waves of the pandemic. There are no captains I would rather be under during this most tumultuous year. Thank you for always keeping us grounded with your laudable leadership!

Forum, A&E, Sports, Copy, Layout, Photo — thank you for your ceaseless hard work! The newspaper would not be complete without each of you and the splash of color you bring to the black-and-white pages.

To my fellow seniors, you have been by my side through it all, through the peaks and valleys of this roller coaster ride. As the divergence in the tracks hurtles closer, I’d like to thank you for inspiring, encouraging and having fun with me. I can’t describe how proud I am to be part of the Class of 2021!

Onto my Newsie buddies! John, you are such an icon. Thank you for all the laughs and being my partner- in-crime in trolling smol bean Aidan! Emily, beyond just your last name, you are a literal ray of sunshine. Thank you for being the kindest mistress cop we could ever ask for! Tiniest bean Aidan who is now the big top bean, it has been a pleasure to watch you grow from a sixie featured in the paper as a “Gentleman Gatekeeper” to a shining Editor-in-Chief. Thank you for patiently dealing with us three seniors and graciously taking on the work we gave you. If you were able to handle that, I have no doubts that you and Elizabeth will take the Argo to new heights and uphold its legacy to the fullest. Speaking of trolling, here’s that wonderful video of you bopping that John, Emily and I would love everyone to see!

Our newly-minted Newsies —Joanna, Katie, Kevin and Alanna — the torch is yours. All of you have the qualifications and boldness to succeed, and all that’s left is to believe in yourself! I’d say “make us proud,” but I already know you will.

I also want to thank the other lovely people who have contributed to the Argo: writers, associates and friends who came to Room 016 for moral support. And, of course, our fearless advisor Ms. Moon, without whom none of this would be possible. Thank you for sticking with us amidst the crashing waves of the past year and showing us that even in the worst possible situations, teamwork really can make the dream work.

Thank you as well to everyone else who has helped me along the way: my inspiring teachers, compassionate guidance counselors, supportive friends and loving family. I wish I could put into words how much you all mean to me, but everything I come up with falls short.

I watch wistfully as all these years fade into dust and memories, but instead of falling unceremoniously to the ground, I know they will rise as a newborn phoenix, ready to soar and take on whatever awaits me with a fiery spirit. No matter what dark clouds hang above us, we are strong. And if there is no clear path ahead, let’s draw the map, the whole map, again.

I can already see the outline of my phoenix. Take care, Argo, and never forget to love yourself. Because all of you are always worthy of love.


Jasmine Wong

Forum Editor

As I’m sitting at the same desk and craning my neck towards the same screen where I’ve done all of my work this year, I cannot help but be amazed that the year, which has felt excruciatingly long, is somehow already concluding.

I want to say thank you to my fellow Forum editors for grounding such a disconnected year in hours of chuckles and heart-to-heart conversations. When we started the graduation issue, I had sweaty palms thinking about being the only editor left from the last school year. But there was nothing to worry about with this team. Jack, you are so passionate and insightful. Alice Han, you are so compassionate and intelligent. Alice Wu, your creativity and humor are in a league of their own. I’m very sorry you all missed out on the bimonthly dopamine-rush over food deliveries — less sorry about you missing out on counting carnations. But I will miss all of you and the chaos that has been 2020-2021: the last-minute headline, publishing sprint and the occasional laugh at the photo captions. You have all taught me so much, and I will miss this team a lot.

And, of course, thank you to my fellow seniors. Julie, although you have flown out of the Forum section and have been graciously heading the Argo boat this year, thank you for always being here for me. You respond to my criminally late texts at equally incriminating hours, and I could not have gotten through the year without your help. Nadine, our absurd Dance Club adventures and golden hour Zooms are immense fun. Alice and Cindy, I apologize for my recurring “oops, it’s a Copy problem” attitude and five-line long sentences. To Anna, NEHSJC was an absolute blast with you. And to all of the other seniors, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this remarkable team. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I am sure I’ll be reading articles, perhaps in The Boston Globe or The New York Times about all of the marvelous ways in which you will change the world.

And to the new Forum editors, congratulations! You’re in for a periodically tumultuous ride, but there are no better guides than Alice and Jack. I loved reading your articles and absorbing the brilliant and impressively insightful arguments you make within them. Enjoy the company of all the amazingly talented people on the Argo, make the most out of the learning experience and continue to write from your hearts.

As I feel the pages thinning on the right-hand side of my BLS journey, I thank you all for leaving me with an armful of beautiful memories. Take care, Argo team!

Alice Wu

Forum Editor

In freshman year, like many of my peers, I decided to join the Argo. I enjoyed writing, and our school newspaper seemed like the perfect place to contribute my skills. Somehow, I found myself in News purely because it was the most prominent section of the publication (it occupied the front page, after all). I wrote a few articles, had half of them cut due to lack of newsworthiness — and then to cap off ninth grade, my application for a promotion to staff writer was denied.

All in all, a very successful year! After which I naturally decided to quit.

I found myself back in the computer lab two years later, nevertheless, frantically typing yet another article for the Argo. This time, however, I wasn’t reporting on the latest club event as I did in ninth grade; rather, I was writing an opinion piece about the ongoing presidential race for Forum, the Argo’s opinion section. My friend Julie (Head Forum Editor at the time) had mentioned that Forum was looking for writers, and I had jumped at the chance.

My interest in politics and argumentation revitalized my interest in the Argo — I jumped at the chance to take the hard articles about politics, something I had been too timid and indecisive to do during my time at News, and at the end of the year, I eagerly applied for and was accepted as a head editor of the section.

So what am I trying to say through this anecdote? Well, a few things:

  1. Throughout your high school career, do things because they truly interest you. You may feel compelled to participate in something purely because everyone else is doing it, and who knows, you may grow to enjoy it! But that shouldn’t be the main reason you join a club or take a class — rather, go with where your interests lie, and I promise that you’ll be happier and more fulfilled for it. I knew I liked writing, but my switch to the Forum section was what made me truly love the Argo.
  2. Failure and rejection suck, but it’s an inevitable part of life. I was gutted after my first application was denied, but looking back on it now… it is what it is. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you something sappy about how I grew from it, but don’t let failure prevent you from achieving the great things that you and I both know you’re capable of.
  3. Finally, join the Argo! Obviously, I’m a little biased, but Forum in particular is in need of writers. If you like to debate and be a little bit controversial, this is the section for you!

Before I sign off, I would like to thank my fellow Forum editors for their help throughout this unusual year. Jack and Alice — you guys have been amazing assistant editors, and I know you’ll do the Forum section proud next year. Jasmine — thank you for everything, whether it be taking on those articles or carrying me in DECA. And last but not least, Julie — you may not be a Forum editor anymore, but thank you for your part in guiding me back to the Argo.

Anna Wilcox

A&E Editor

Wow. It’s been five years since I joined the Argo, but it feels like yesterday that I was signing up to join the paper. The Argo is truly a special place. I’m not only going to miss the cookies and hours of bonding after school, but also the editing and stressing over a page in Layout. (To everyone not already a part of the Argo, please join it! It’s amazing!) As I reflect on my time with the paper, I would like to offer some words of wisdom: always believe in yourself and don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying whatever you want (some famous person probably said that too). There are so many extraordinary people and activities out there, only a fraction of which the Argo was able to cover; I hope to all you readers out there that you can find something truly engaging and fulfilling to be a part of while at Latin.

Lastly, thank you to Elizabeth Choi, Ellis Seul and Irene Deng for being such dependable, hardworking editors. You all made A&E an absolute joy to work for. Also, a huge shoutout to all our marvelous writers who continuingly impressed me with their talent and dedication to our section. I wish the best to my fellow seniors as they begin their college journey and good luck to everyone still at BLS. Go Wolfpack!

Ashley Ngo

Sports Editor

This past year has definitely not been what we expected. From virtual writers’ meetings to remote production weeks, it has not been ideal. Despite this, my first year as a Sports Editor has far exceeded my expectations. When I first joined the Argo in tenth grade, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I felt out of place among everybody else who knew what they were doing. However, with the help of my fellow Argonauts, I found my footing in the Argo family and was able to grow not just as a writer, but a person as well.

I’d first like to thank my fellow Sports Editors: Ashley, Eric and Shane. I am tremendously grateful to have worked with you all this past year. I’ll always cherish the things that we have learned from each other and the time we spent, even if it was through a screen. Thank you to all our writers for your enthusiasm every issue. Thank you, Ms. Moon, for always keeping things organized and making sure that everything is in check. Finally, a special shoutout to our wonderful EiCs, Nadine and Julianna. This year wouldn’t have been possible without your hard work, patience and dedication.

As an alum, I have one piece of advice for the new editorial board: make sure to seize every opportunity. The Argo has opened so many doors for me, allowing me to interact with a diverse community of people at BLS, making new friends and forming connections along the way. I have no doubt in my mind that the Argo will be in good hands. As I say my last goodbye, I pass the torch onto our new Sports Editors: Shane, Lilah and Lauren. I have the utmost faith that you’ll continue to make Sports the best section. Wishing you all good luck and godspeed. I know y’all will go on to do great things!

Ashley Tran

Sports Editor

I attended my first writer’s workshop as a freshman completely unwillingly. The thought of sitting in a room with upperclass- men rambling about writing skills sounded dreadful.

But my older brother offered to get me coffee if I went — how could I possibly pass on an offer like that? So I sat in the back of Ms. Moon’s room, on my phone, waiting for the workshop to end so I could get my Starbucks.

After that day, my brother kept making those irresistible coffee offers. So, I found myself constantly attending Argo meetings, which turned out to be not so bad. I was surrounded by supportive editors and dedicated athletes who were happy to help me with the writing process. Eventually, I started going to Argo meetings and production week without any iced coffee bribery.

Fast forward to my role as an editor — I sit in shock thinking about how I got here. I had the impression that being an editor would be tedious, which it was. But no one ever told me about how fun production weeks truly were. I’ll always remember getting takeout at 9 P.M., seeing someone walk in with 40 boba orders and hiding my iced coffees in Room 016.

I look back and realize how grateful I am for my time spent here. Being around some of the most motivated people in the school was so humbling, and the only thing I regret was not being able to spend my last year in person with all of you.

Huge thank you to the EiCs: Nadine and Julianna. You both are incredible leaders who managed to oversee everything even during a hectic year. You truly have bright futures ahead and should have so much pride for the value you brought into Argo.

Ashley and Eric, you guys make the Sports section one of a kind. I can’t thank you both enough for the number of times my heart has dropped after reading a text saying, “We have an editor’s meeting tomorrow?” or “Um we don’t have headlines yet.” I’ll miss frantically scrolling through @ BLS_Athletics on Twitter to find article ideas and reading Eric’s last-minute headlines. Even with moments like these, I couldn’t ask for better co-editors.

Shane, Lilah and Lauren, we pass the responsibility onto you to maintain Sports’ reputation as the best section. I’m confident that you’ll produce amazing work. Good luck 🙂

Eric Yu

Assistant Sports Editor

I’m going to graduate from BLS. I’d never thought I’d be able to say this sentence when I entered as a sixie. It has been a hectic, crazy and amazing six years at BLS. As an underclassman, I was often too afraid of trying new things — I’d promised myself to join clubs since practically everyone said, “It helps with your resume.” Honestly, I never knew what that meant, nor gave any thought into it, especially when I was struggling to memorize the first declension in Latin. Two years later, in sophomore year, I took a shot at becoming part of the Argo family, and it has been an incredible journey since then. Starting as a contributing writer, I struggled with reaching out to upperclassmen and always had to pair up with another writer to finish the article. The Argo has taught me to become more confident and professional while also having fun doing it. Not only have I been able to strengthen my writing skills as a contributing writer but I have also had the pleasure of seeing other writers grow and improve as an editor. To Nadine and Julianna, thank you for taking me in as part of the editorial board. You guys showed incredible patience with me even though I would reply to your messages three weeks later. Your hard work and leadership have kept the Argo the best publication in the school. To Ashley Tran, thank you for being the mom of the Sports section. You would always make sure the rest of us understood what was happening in the meetings and clarify assignments step by step. To Ashley Ngo, thank you for taking charge when Ashley wasn’t there. Although we joined the editorial board together, your confidence and leadership made you look like a veteran in the editor position. To Shane, thank you for being able to adapt and learn so quickly. I have enjoyed watching you, Lilah and Lauren grow as writers and editors. You guys have a bright future ahead of you, and I am confident that you will lead Sports to greater heights and keep it the best, chillest and most laid back section of the Argo.

– Eric Yu

Alice Zhang

Copy Editor

Hi, the Argo friends!

Thanks for reading — it has been a very long ride (maybe a little too long). Graduation issues are always massive, especially this year, which has made every issue especially long and tedious. I appreciate every writer and writing editor that got articles in this year and every year for Copy to edit, Layout for making the issue always look amazing (to the extent of black and white print) and the Editors-in-Chief and Ms. Moon, for holding this whole thing together. I also appreciate all the readers because where would we be without you? To every teacher or peer that told me they read the Argo or one of my articles (Forum section shout out?), you made my day.

Here’s some advice I have after six years here at Boston Latin School: if you’re thinking about joining something, do it. Nobody bites, and we all want to see some fresh faces. You don’t need experience, just a willingness to learn and participate! Do things you love or that you are curious about because it’s all about experimentation. Even if you don’t like it, you’ll definitely meet a friend or two (or an entire board if it’s the Argo) along the way. Learn to prioritize. You come first and then everything else. I’ll share some more wisdom when I get it. After all, I’m still just barely an adult.

Most importantly:
Dear Copy,
I joined in sixie year, having never read a real newspaper in my life (more of a library borrowing books kind of kid). You’ve helped me find my best friends and gave me the confidence to join so many other things that I was passionate about.

Copy obviously isn’t a one man show.

To all of the Copy associates, thanks for always coming to meetings and putting in your best effort. Joanna, thanks for always striving to keep everything up to date and putting in your best effort. Fiona, thanks for dealing with Cindy and my very messy leadership. I feel very safe entrusting the Copy section to you, Darren and Justine next year.

Cindy. I’m dedicating an entire paragraph to you because what would my experience be like without you? I honestly can’t imagine. Staying late after school finishing up editing when articles came in way after the deadline or talking about what to do on *the section that shall not be exposed*’s articles are definitely highlight points (perhaps not the most enjoyable ones), but thank you for sticking through this with me after so many years.

To be honest, I only had one thing I wanted to say, but there’s a character count, so I had to add everything else before this.

Thank you.

Cindy Zhou

Copy Editor

Well, well, well, the summer of 2021 has finally arrived.

It feels so long ago since I first sat down in Lab 015, puzzling over the copy rules and squinting at an article littered with green suggestions. And now I’m here, puzzling over how to fit everything I want to say and squinting as I tear up writing a farewell draft. Over the course of these six, long years, some of my fondest memories were formed at the Argo: chilling with food in the cafeteria after a long production day, intensely selling carnations to literally everyone, laughing over article mishaps while grinding work, etc. And this year, I find myself making new memories I never expected, like vibing to band pieces during Copy production or writing some “spicy” noodle-themed Copy tests. I’m going to miss it all.

But of course, what would the Argo be without the amazing Argonauts that make it up! First of all, shoutout to my partner in correcting-copy crime, Alice Zhang. From being tiny associates to only slightly taller editors, my copy journey could never have been as wonderful without you. My fellow seniors of the Argo (Nadine, Julianna, Emily, John, Esther, Jasmine, Alice Wu, Ashleys, Erics, Anna, Aileen and Andre), y’all always made production week and editor meetings a blast, and I loved hanging out and working with you. Ms. Moon, thank you for all the work you do and for making this all possible! Thank you to everyone who’s ever been part of the Copy Crew, whether you’ve eagerly joined our workshops from day one or whether you’ve been temporarily pulled in from the library on a slow day (we appreciate every one of you, and y’all are why Copy is undeniably the most fun section :D). Joanna and Fiona, it’s been an absolute pleasure to have you, and I can’t wait to see what you do as News and Copy Heads (respectively, got to keep up that Copy clarification!). Darren and Justine, I’m so proud to have seen you progress throughout the year, and I’m confident that y’all and Fiona will continue carrying the Copy section.

The Argo has been an extremely meaningful part of my life, and it’s almost hard to imagine that my time here has come to an end. Thank you for all of the warm memories, lasting friendships and incredible moments. See you on the flip side! <3

Andre Weiss

Photo Editor

Three years flew by, and it felt like I wasn’t able to do enough. Being part of a section — that consisted of being active in the community and capturing events and people — somewhat died. But with Karen and Regina, we were able to revive what may have been a dead section. And though it was during a pandemic, I’ll still miss it.

Thanks, Karen and Regina, for putting up with my messy, clown self. Being able to actually hang out with y’all and getting to know y’all was something I’ll never regret. You both are amazing people who are incredibly capable of a lot. I’ll definitely miss both of you and that call where y’all put up with me for two hours while I was talking to MIT support. Y’all have watched me be a crackhead since day one. I appreciate y’all not judging me, lol.

As for the rest of y’all, even though I crashed the Argo pretty late in its run, I will still miss the chaotic Discord and IRL nights where we rushed to get everything in order for publications. Probably won’t really miss those moments where we were clowned for various reasons, such as with the anime photo and that weird description. If you don’t remember that, don’t worry about it.

And for the sappy goodbyes, my heart goes out to the general staff; I may have not gotten to know most of y’all well, but I wish I had more interactions with y’all to get to know y’all better.

But specifically, I’ll “miss” Nadine /s. Thanks for taking care of me, mom. I’ll be annoying you when I come to stalk you at Harvard for the next four years. No, seriously, I will. You’ll need a restraining order.

Good luck to the rest of y’all for the years to come. It’ll be a fun ride, trust me.

And I’m still waiting for that boba that the Argo owes me.

– Andre

Eric Chan

Layout Editor

Wow. There’s no way we’re graduating. Having read all of the farewells from alumni editors, I never thought that the day would come to me so soon. I honestly still feel like it’s my freshman year when I first stepped into the infamous 016 computer lab and opened Adobe InDesign for the first time.

Through the Argo, I’ve made countless memories that will stick with me forever. From technical difficulties with the horrible school computers, eating countless slices of chicken Alfredo pizza, to organizing hundreds of carnation slips, I would die to experience some of these things again (especially the pizza and the cookies). Yes, production weeks in person were lots and lots of tiring, gruesome work in front of a screen, but it still really disappoints me that my last runs weren’t together with my favorite people.

Out of all the sections, choosing Layout at the Extracurricular Fair was the best one I could ever make. It’s brought my graphic design skills from subpar to above average, but the best part was the people I met in this section.

Selina, thank you so much for carrying me and our section on your back this year. The layout section wouldn’t have been able to function without your leadership and dedication. I’ll finally admit it: you’re better at laying out than me. Emma and Theresa, I’ve always admired your initiative, hard work and willingness to learn. I’m excited to see all of your ideas come to fruition in next year’s issues. To all of my loving associates (there are like three of you), I respect the trial and error y’all go through learning the basics. I know that it can be frustrating at times, but I promise that you’ll create a product you’re proud of in the end. Never forget to use different pictures of blobfish as placeholders for photos (my favorite is still the realistic one). If you ever plan on joining the Argo, Layout is objectively the most fun section out of all of ‘em :). I’m glad that I could pass down the legacy for myself in the layout section by putting my name in one of the passwords. It truly is one of the best honors. Heck, I’ll put it on my resume later.

Nadine and Julianna, thanks for leading the entire board. Y’all have put so much sweat and tears into the club, trying to make it as efficient as possible despite lousy editors like me holding you back :). To all of the other sections, thank you for putting up with my yells across the room. I think everyone’s relieved to not hear “FORUM” and “PHOTO” booming across 016 ever again.

It’s been real, Argo. Thanks for all of the special memories I made through you. You’ve made my years at BLS unforgettable. Best of luck to Aidan and Elizabeth heading into the next year! Signing out.
