Maya Koreth (I): “I would like to read more books [that] I’ve been meaning to for a long time.”
Linda Guan (II): “My New Year’s resolutions are to have a better sleep schedule and to put myself first.”
Angela Liang (II): “My New Year’s resolutions are to be more productive and [to] have more self care days.”
Andy Yu (II): “This is a continuation of last year’s, but my resolution would be to do a muscle-up.”
Tallula Sullivan (III): “My New Year’s resolution is to just take better care of myself mentally.”
Henry Celli (IV): “My New Year’s resolution is to get more sleep.”
Sofia Griffin (IV): “My New Year’s resolution is to actually turn in work on time.”
Tina Ly (IV): “My New Year’s resolution is to get straight A’s.”
Charlie Guthrie (V): “My New Year’s resolution is to get better grades.”
Alex Israel (V): “[My] New Year’s resolution is to drink more water.”
Rae Ruggiero (VI): “My New Year’s resolution is to make it to the finals of one of the Certamen events.”
Cece Sun (VI):“I hope to have a really good final science fair project.”
Ask the Students: New Year’s Resolutions
January 20, 2025