The Student News Site of Boston Latin School

The Argo

The Student News Site of Boston Latin School

The Argo

The Student News Site of Boston Latin School

The Argo

Colorful Cows Moo-ve to Boston

The Jimmy Fund cows graze in a pasture. (Source: Lena Thai (II))

This summer, Boston residents found themselves highly amoosed by the various fiberglass cows that popped up around the city. Not only did these statues brighten up the city’s most popular areas, they also spread awareness toward a greater cause.

From June 24 to September 4, non-profit Dana-Farber Cancer Institute partnered with the Jimmy Fund, Herb Chambers and CowParade to display a parade of life-sized cow statues across the Greater Boston area. These organizers milked the fundraiser for all its worth by placing a total of 75 cows within the city. 

The fundraiser celebrated the 75th anniversary of the cancer research center. 60 local artists were chosen to design and paint the sculptures. Their combined artistic abilities created a vast array of models that ranged from silly designs to details regarding the artists’ cultures. The organizers also created a “pasture map” to make spotting the cows throughout the city easy. To make the fundraiser more interactive, the Jimmy Fund held weekly contests for photos of the cows, and the winners were able to win T-shirts and hats. 

A few weeks after the display, a live auction for the cow statues took place.“Mini-Moos,” smaller statues that were mostly created by the artists’ students, were also sold. All proceeds went to the Jimmy Fund, which raised over one million dollars. From color-filled abstract patterns to cows with storytelling scenery, this herd undoubtedly made a beautiful sight!

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