Spotlight on Kate Lincecum (IV)

(Photo Credit: Andrew Ye (II))

Powerlifting is an extremely underrated sport among Boston Latin Students. Kate Lincecum (IV), however, joined powerlifting in the spring of seventh grade and has had an amazing experience with the program.

Her seventh-grade year took place during quarantine, so she explains, “I was pretty bored in quarantine and my brother was in powerlifting so he said I should try it out.”

Thus, Lincecum took advantage of her free time and began powerlifting. Even though her brother was going to graduate the next year and would not be on the team with her, she fell in love with the sport.

Joining powerlifting during the pandemic meant that the team had to practice outdoors on the sidewalk, but once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, the team moved back inside.

Lincecum says that the current season of powerlifting is going well for everyone on the team, and she has big hopes for many achievements this year. She reflects, “Ever since I started powerlifting, I have loved it, and it is incredibly rewarding.”

Although she loves many aspects of the sport, Lincecum says that one of her “favorite things about the team is how supportive it is on bad and good days. On bad days, people are there to support and remind you that it’s just one day, and of course, on those good days, they are there to congratulate you.” And her hard work has paid off; Lincecum is ranked third in her weight class for deadlifts sanctioned by USA Powerlifting.

She explains, “For me personally, getting a new personal record and just walking out of the doors that day knowing what I can do is such a strange and rewarding experience.”

Lincecum enjoys the environment that the powerlifting team creates, and appreciates that her teammates are there for each other at all times. She believes that “having everyone cheer each other on and be there for every up and down really creates an amazing atmosphere which [she] wouldn’t trade the world for.” 

As the season progresses, we can’t wait to see Lincecum accomplish even more with the BLS Powerlifting team and continue to have a rewarding experience.