The Student News Site of Boston Latin School

Mr. Greenidge

Mr. Kyle Greenidge has recently announced his departure from BLS after two years of being a high school guidance counselor. He will be leaving to pursue a Master’s degree in social work. 

“BLS and its students have helped me to see that there’s more than helping from the school counseling aspect. I love [guidance work] and can still see myself doing [it] in the future,” remarks Mr. Greenidge. 

While at BLS, he has seen many students through graduation and has helped manage their workload. Mr. Greenidge has always put in care and effort to bring out the best in his students. 

In addition, he put on a stellar performance at the Student-Faculty Basketball Game in April, and he is extremely proud of his 2-0 record.

He wants students to always remain hopeful, explaining, “I hope people — students, faculty and staff — are able to realize it only takes one person to spread a smile.”

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